On the 23rd of June, the World ATM Congress 2022 concluded its ninth edition, hosted in Madrid, Spain, from 21st June to 23rd June. 

The URClearED project was really honoured to be present in this edition to talk about its aims, objectives and achievements.

At DLR stand, that kindly hosted the project, our experts Edoardo Filippone and Damiano Taurino were at visitors’ disposal to present URClearED and to answer questions and curiosities. We showed a presentation video of the URClearED concept and a sneak preview of one of the validation exercises carried out at CIRA, the Italian Aerospace Research Center premises during the Real-Time simulations campaigns. Our presentation has been part of the SESAR Solutions Challenge 2022.

Edoardo Filippone
Damiano Taurino

Watch the full video presentation here:

URClearED video presented at World ATM Congress


World ATM Congress is the world’s largest international air traffic management (ATM) exhibition and conference attracting over 6,000 registrants in 2021.

World ATM Congress is a Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) partnership with the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA). The aim is to bring together the world’s leading product developers, experts, stakeholders, and air navigation service providers (ANSPs). Aviation thought leaders have met for three days of conference sessions, product demonstrations and launches, contract closures and educational and networking opportunities in Madrid, Spain.

This edition counted more than 200 sessions with more than 180 exhibitors, representing 110 countries. 

Read more on the official website.